2011年3月29日 星期二

weekly assignment(3):Quality Education a 'New Civil Right,' Says Riley in State of Education Address

Quality Education a 'New Civil Right,' Says Riley in State of Education Address

All the work that we do to improve teacher quality will fall by the wayside if we don't make an equal commitment to preparing the next generation of principals. Just as we have a growing shortage of teachers in specific fields, we have a growing shortage of principals who know how to move standards into every classroom -- principals who can motivate families and communities to be engaged in their children's schools.
A good principal is first and foremost an education leader. A good principal sets a tone, eliminates the petty rules that sap morale, and creates a set of working conditions that clearly tell teachers that they are respected as first-class professionals.
We are fortunate that there are many good principals in our schools but we need many more of them. This is why we will be holding a Principals Leadership Summit this summer, and why we have proposed a new $40 million program to assist states in helping prepare the next generation of principals.

Helping our children to learn more always begins with a commitment to keeping our children safe in school. Columbine still shocks us. Staying connected with our teenagers is something we simply have to do. This is why I am such a strong advocate of having smaller high schools.
Young people need to have a sense of connection. I urge parents to slow down their lives and listen hard to what their children are saying. Even in their silences, teenagers are telling us a story about their lives. Our schools need to give our children a well-rounded education. But the most important thing we can give young people is a deep, abiding sense of hope.
And our schools have a role to play in helping young people develop a moral compass. Character education is a growing field that deserves our attention. Congressman Bob, who is here with us today, has taken a strong leadership role in promoting character education and I am pleased to support his new legislation.
Religion also has a proper place in our public schools. Our children do not give up their religious freedom when they enter through the schoolhouse door. Young people can voluntarily say grace, meet at the flagpole, or join a Bible Club. The rule of thumb is very simple. Public schools can teach about religion but they cannot preach about religion.
I urge all Americans to be faithful to the deep expression of religious freedom and freedom of conscience embodied in the First Amendment. We have issued guidelines based on Supreme Court decisions to every public school principal in this nation. In this election year, I urge all political candidates to retreat from the temptation to make religion in our public schools a political issue.
There are many things we can do to help our children but sometimes everything we do is not enough. When a student brings a gun to school we must remove that child from the school immediately. There is no other option. But we do have an option to keep guns out of the hands of children and keep our children out of harms way. Sensible gun control policies can save the lives of many children and still protect the rights of law-abiding sportsmen.
Fortunately, the vast number of America's schools are free of serious violence. The issue that really dominates a principal's time is discipline. Just as students have to be responsible for their actions, school officials need to have sensible, sound, and equitable discipline policies in place.
A sound discipline policy is one that ensures school safety, promotes student responsibility, and furthers the education of every student. And when a student is suspended, that idle teenager should not be tempted to get into more trouble because of having been put on the street. Just the opposite should take place -- the student should be buried in books and counseled to help turn his life around before it is too late. No student should be punished by being denied an education. An equitable discipline policy treats all students fairly regardless of their race or gender. School districts need to carefully review their discipline policies to make sure that they are clear, firm, and just.

Equity is also at the very heart of our challenge to overcome the minority achievement gap. This gap is real, deep, and persistent. I also worry that our efforts to close the achievement gap will be negated or even stymied by the growing digital divide. This is why we have worked so hard to wire our schools. The E-rate has been an enormous success. Yet, despite this success the digital divide is quickly resetting for the 21st century the divide between the "haves" and the "have-nots" along racial, ethnic, and income lines.
The African American historian, Henry Louis Gates, recently wrote that unless there is a "revolution in our people's attitude toward education," African Americans will face a "devastating" form of "cyber-segregation in the coming century." This is very strong and honest language. And surely it applies just as much to Hispanic Americans, who are so determined to lower the dropout rate for their children. So what is to be done?
非裔美國歷史學家Henry Louis Gates最近寫到“除非有一個“人們對教育態度的革命”,“非裔美人在即將來臨的下一個世紀將會遭遇稱做”網絡隔離”形式的”滅絕”。這是極度有力且坦率的肺腑之言。同樣地,對那些已經下定決心去降低他們孩子輟學率的西裔美人也一樣。因此,我們該怎麼辦呢?
Here I make a modest suggestion. We live in a time of great prosperity and many entrepreneurs have amassed great wealth in the emerging dot.com world. They are young men and women in there 20s and 30s, who have great talent and are full of energy. I intend to meet with many of them this year to ask for their direct help -- to help turn this digital divide into a digital opportunity.

America is fortunate to have the finest system of higher education in the world -- a model of quality, diversity, and opportunity. From our great research universities to the smallest community college, we have attempted to give all Americans the opportunity to get a college education.
This will be more than a challenge in the years ahead -- it will be a "crush," and I use that word precisely. Today, more Americans are attending college than ever before -- 14.9 million -- and millions of young people are now coming of age and preparing to go on to college. And millions of older Americans, who know that they have got to keep on learning, are filling up our community colleges, which are one of the great untold success stories of American education.
This crush of new students comes at a time when many of our nation's colleges and universities are already full and becoming more selective in their admissions process. This will mean increasing pressure for high school seniors to get into the college of their choice.
This is why I continue to encourage America's higher education community to enter into a sustained dialogue with education reformers at the middle and secondary school levels. The old paradigm of two distinct systems of education going their own way does not fit our modern times.
It is clear that high school courses linked to high standards are the foundation for college going and success and especially for minority students. This is why I encourage higher education accreditation agencies to make collaboration with our middle and secondary schools a factor in the accreditation process.
I also encourage higher education leaders to thoroughly examine the current structure of their admissions standards and send a clear signal to those who are putting standards into place.
And to reach out to parents and students as well. Dennis Smith, the president of the University of Nebraska, recently set a wonderful example. President Smith sent a letter to the parents of every eighth-grader in Nebraska outlining what courses their children need to take to get ready for college.
同時,也要考量到家長和學生,內布拉斯州的大學校長Dennis Smith近來建立了一套很棒的示範,他寄給內布拉斯州的每一位八年級的家長一封信,信中大致敘述他們的孩子應該修畢哪些課程,以做好進大學的準備。

One of the most immediate and promising areas of mutuality should be a close examination of the senior year of high school. This is an important time of transition for young people. Surely we can offer our young people some exciting and meaningful challenges between midterms and the Senior Prom.
This is why I am announcing a new initiative we call the "Senior Year Transition" project. We intend to work with the Woodrow Wilson and Mott Foundations to bring together university leaders, educators, parents, and -- yes -- students too, to take a new and close look at the senior year of high school.
這也是為什麼我宣布我們稱之為”高年級過渡期”方案的一項新措施。我們試圖和Woodrow Wilson and Mott基金會一起合作,讓大學領導者、教育者、家長以及包含學生在內的這些人去重新檢視高中的最後一年。
We know that the transition between high school and college is a very critical time and can determine whether a student's college experience will be successful. This is why I am so encouraged by the many efforts to create and expand new pathways to college through mentoring programs like TRIO and GEAR-UP.
Many colleges and universities are making a committed effort in this regard, and I thank them for their effort. Early intervention strategies can go a long way to reducing the cost of remedial education, which now stands at a half-billion dollars a year.
Yet, for all of our success in creating new pathways to college we are not, in my opinion, doing the best job possible in retaining students. This is particularly so for our minority students. Nearly half of all low-income students will drop out of our nation's four-year colleges by the end of their sophomore year. This is a great waste of talent. A strong emphasis on quality requires us to make a much more concerted effort to give these young people the support they need as they make the critical transition to college.
Paying for college is always a paramount issue to students and parents and we all have to be concerned with rising student debt burden. This is why we have worked so hard to double federal student aid to over $50 billion a year. I am particularly pleased by our effort to increase Pell Grants for our neediest students. We are working hard to increase Pell Grants to $3,500 a year and to support other important student financial assistance programs.
States will have to increase their efforts as well and take a fresh look at their policies. For most of the last decade, the state share of support for higher education has declined even as tuition and fees at public four-year institutions have increased by over 50 percent. Yet, even with these increases, the return on investment is enormous for the successful college graduate.
I now bring to your attention a very important proposal that can help millions of families pay for college. President Clinton has proposed a new $30 billion dollar College Opportunity Tax Cut, spread over the next ten years. Listen hard now. This targeted tax cut would provide up to $1,400 in 2001 and up to $2,800 in 2003, in tax relief for many, many working and middle-income families.
That, my friends, is real help for students and their parents who are worried about rising student debt. This proposal is a wise, targeted tax cut that deserves the full attention of parents and students in every working and middle class family in America. This tax cut is designed for striving Americans. Congress should do the right thing and pass it this year.
A strong focus on access to college, success in staying in college and paying for college will always be important issues for American higher education in the coming decade. But we must also recognize that higher education is breaking out of old boundaries.
E-learning is rapidly taking hold on our nation's college campuses. On-line course taking has nearly tripled and 60 percent of all colleges are now offering such courses. Clearly, we must address the issue of quality and how financial aid can be provided to on-line students more effectively.
The reshaping of education through e-learning leads me to observe that international course taking is on the horizon. Imagine students at UCLA taking courses at Oxford and students in Tokyo learning physics from a professor at Duke. We should welcome this emerging opportunity just as we welcome a half-million foreign students to our college campuses each year.
I believe that America always benefits when we learn more about different cultures and different people. This is why I will shortly be sending a recommendation to the president that he issue a directive to encourage a new focus on international education opportunities.
Seven years ago, when I began the tradition of giving this speech, I reflected to my audience at Georgetown University that our love of learning -- and our capacity to use knowledge wisely -- would be the defining forces that would shape the 21st century.
Well, now we are here and in this new, dynamic education era. I believe we can meet the many challenges of our times if we set new expectations for our children, our schools, and our nation. We can do this together and surely we must.
I hope that, 50 years from now, Americans will look back and say that yes, in our time, we transformed education in America -- that we did the hard work, stuck with it, and lifted up all of our children. This is our great task. With optimism and determination let us go forward together to create a "democracy of excellence" in this new century.
Thank you and God bless you.


